Launching a Multiplayer Game w/ game dev legends Jon Shiring & Drew McCoy // Between II Servers EP01
Welcome to Between Two Servers! In this, our inaugural episode, host Glenn Fiedler (@gafferongames) chats to game dev legends and Gravity Well founders Jon Shiring and Drew McCoy (CoD4: Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2, Titanfall 1 and 2, and Apex Legends) about their history in multiplayer games and what it takes to launch AAA titles.
They go deep on the challenges of launching a new game including scaling, technical challenges, play testing, and matchmaking. And towards the end, Drew drops a huge insight into player churn too!
Stay tuned and subscribe for more Between Two Servers, where we journey out beyond the edge of cloud networking and game development to take a look at what the future might hold for netcode and multi-player gaming.
For more info on reducing latency, jitter and packet loss for multi-player games, visit:
Now, you control the network.